Legal notice

GHC Global Health Care GmbH
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Telefon: 0049-30-450578690
Fax: 0049-30-450578992

Zentrum für Zukunftstechnologien
Ludwig Witthöft Straße 14
15745 Wildau


Authorized representative managing director
Dr. Trong-Nghia Nguyen-Dobinsky

Registered at: Berlin-Charlottenburg Local Court HRB 83 851

Registered office: Berlin

Value added tax identification number (VAT ID No.): DE 219969292

Responsible for content
pursuant to § 55 (2) RStV:
Dr. Trong-Nghia Nguyen-Dobinsky

Liability note
This website is for general information purposes only, excluding any liability. You may download this information only for your personal use and not for commercial use. The information may not be copied or modified without the written consent of GHC Global Health Care GmbH.

Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Picture credits

Background image home page: iStock, ronnachaipark

Background image RescueLink page: GHC

The other images used on the website are from the following sources: iStock, gettyimages, pixabay, fotolia, TenneT, Vattenfall, EnBW, AWI, ukb, JVK Plötzensee, GHC. Details on the author can be found in the info (i) in each image.


The generic masculine form chosen in the texts and articles on our website always refers to female, male and various persons at the same time. We have refrained from using multiple designations in favour of better readability.